Snow UK: what happens when it hits -18C
What happens when temperatures drop to -18C
1. -18C is the recommended temperature at which to keep a household freezer
2. It is 0 farenheit.
3. It is the temperature at which table salt can no longer be used to melt ice
4. It is the temperature at which sunflower oil freezes
5. -18°C is the average temperature for this time of year in Irkutsk, Siberia.
6. It is also the average temperature at the summit of Mount Everest during July.
7. If the earth had no atmosphere at all, its surface temperature would be approximately -18C
How Is the uk weather today?
introduces readers to various types of weather that occur during each season.
The text discusses typical activities and clothing for each type of weather.
Supportive illustrations accompany the text. You can find out here.....
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